Saturday, 4 March 2017


Type of Cold Sauces

  1. Cold Emulsion sauces: Vinaigrettes and Mayonnaise
  2. Dairy-based sauces
  3. Coulis and Purees
  4. Coating sauces
  5. Miscellaneous cold sauce
Understanding Cold Emulsion Sauce

An emulsion consists of two phase:
  1. Dispersed Phase: dispersed phase is in oil, the oil is broken up into very small droplet.
  2. Continuous Phase: each oil droplet is suspended throughout the continuous phase.
* examples of an oil in water emulsion include mayonnaise and vinaigrette while an example of water in oil emulsion is butter

Temporary Emulsion
Such as vinaigrette, form quickly and require only the mechanical action of whipping, shaking, or stirring. To make an emulsion stable enough to keep the oil suspension, additional ingredients known as emulsifiers are necessary.

Stable Emulsion
Such as mayonnaise, are made by very carefully controlling the rate at which the oil is added to the egg yolks. Egg yolk provide both the liquid that holds the oil droplets in suspension and a special emulsifier known as lecithin.

  1. Egg yolks
  2. Mustard
  3. Glace de viande
  4. Garlic
  5. Corn Starch 
  6. Arrowroot

Vinaigrette are closely associated with green salads, and also used for marinade for grilled or broiled foods. Oil is the largest component in vinaigrette but the sauce name based on the acid (red wine vinaigrette, balsamic vinaigrette, and tomato vinaigrette).

Making Basic Vinaigrette
Lemon Vinaigrette:
The good vinaigrette when you have "balance" vinegar or juice tempered and oil. The standard vinaigrette ratio: 3 parts oil to 1 part acid. Put a bit of sugar to soften the acidity.

Making an Emulsified Vinaigrette
Add emulsifier to add flavor and to help stabilize the sauce
  1. Combine the vinegar and all of the seasoning ingredients.
  2. Add the oil gradually (used blender, immersion blender, standing mixer with a whip, or food processor.)
  3. Add any garnish and check the seasoning at this point. (fresh or dried fruits and vegetables, crumbled cheese, or other garnishees can be added, if desired.)
Reduced-fat Vinaigrettes
Reduced total of oil in vinaigrette by replacing with lightly thickened stock or juice. Or put diluted arrowroot or other modified starch to simmering stock or juice. Other than that, you can used puree of fruit and vegetable to place the oil.

This sauce is made by combining egg yolks with oil. This is the stable emulsion.
Quick & Easy Home-made Mayonnaise ~ Once you start making your own mayonnaise, and realise just how simple and tasty it is, you wont be interested in the preservative-laden shop-bought options anymore!:
  1. Select and prepare the ingredients for the mayonnaise. Classic recipes for mayonnaise-style dressing used 180 ml to 240 ml oil for one egg yolk. Make sure used pasteurized egg yolk to avoid food-borne illness. 
  2. Blend the yolks with a bit of water. Whisk the yolks and water together to loosen the eggs and make it easier for them to absorb oil. Can used lemon juice, vinegar or mustard as liquid and enhance the flavor based on your recipe.
  3. Add oil a little at a time, while whisking gradually. The oil must be whipped into egg yolks so that is broken up into fine droplets. This stage is where the emulsion first start to form.
  4. Adjust the thickness and flavor of the sauce by adding a bit more acid or water as you incorporated the oil.
  5. Add any additional flavoring or garnish ingredients at the point indicated in the recipe.
Dairy-based Sauce

They are made from soft cheeses such as quark, mascarpone and cream cheese; cultured milk such as ricotta, sour cream, or cottage cheese.

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